Diplôme national d'ingénieur en automatique et informatique industrielle
- [ssba]
Control is a modern science that studies dynamic systems for control or decision-making purposes. The control of industrial processes (management, optimization, planning) must, to be carried out successfully, proceed from a multidisciplinary approach integrating the methods of automation (modeling, identification, control, etc.) and industrial computing. It is a specialty that is multidisciplinary in nature and covers very diverse subjects, because the engineer in Automatic Engineering & Industrial Computing is a man in the field capable of managing information from a production platform, a specialist in the design , the creation, implementation and maintenance of computer systems and applications in the industrial and production sector, this is why IPSAS has set itself the objective of training engineers in this field, having knowledge and skills extended to all the disciplinary sectors of this field.
As for outlets, they are numerous, both in large companies and in SMEs and SMIs and concern many very varied sectors of activity: the electrical and electronic industries, production, transport, health, agri-food, aeronautics. In addition, the engineer has the possibility of pursuing post-graduate studies in Masters and Doctorates, in Tunisia or abroad.
Program plan
Module de la 1ére année
Matière 1.1:Signals and systems
Matière 1.2:Analysis and Dynamic Systems
Matière 1.3:Commands of Continuous Linear Systems
Matière 1.4:Modeling and control of industrial processes
Matière 1.5:Basic Electronics
Matière 1.6:Physics of electronic components
Matière 1.7:Active component electronics
Matière 1.8:Digital electronics
Matière 1.9:Electrical engineering
Matière 1.10:Electric machine
Matière 1.11:Electrical Diagrams and Technology
Matière 1.12:Programmable Logic Controllers
Matière 1.13:Computer architecture
Matière 1.14:Programming languages
Matière 1.15:Sensors and Actuators
Matière 1.16:Logic systems and circuits
Matière 1.17:Grafcet
Matière 1.18:Process automation techniques
Matière 1.19:Pneumatic and hydraulic automation
Matière 1.20:Optimization
Matière 1.21:Transversal materials
Module de la 2éme année
Matière 2.1:Analysis and control of discrete systems
Matière 2.2:Industrial regulation
Matière 2.3:Automatique
Matière 2.4:Analog and modular electronics
Matière 2.5:Acquisition and conversion techniques
Matière 2.6:Electronic Workshop
Matière 2.7:Electric machine
Matière 2.8:Power electronics
Matière 2.9:Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and DSPs
Matière 2.10:Computer Workshop
Matière 2.11:Discrete event systems
Matière 2.12:Industrial automation
Matière 2.13:Analysis and control of nonlinear systems
Matière 2.14:Analysis and code of non-stationary systems
Matière 2.15:Analysis and control of systems in state space
Matière 2.16:Identifying systems
Matière 2.17:Industrial process control technology
Matière 2.18:Digital correctors and regulators
Matière 2.19:Automatic CAD and Automation
Matière 2.20:Internet and Multimedia Technology
Matière 2.21:Smart Sensors and Industrial Instrumentation
Matière 2.22:Management and economy
Matière 2.23:English II
Matière 2.24:Mini-project
Module de la 3éme année
Matière 3.1:Parametric and state estimation
Matière 3.2:Identification and Analysis of Complex Systems
Matière 3.3:Optimal and robust control
Matière 3.4:Adaptive and predictive control
Matière 3.5:Communications interface
Matière 3.6:Real-time systems and computer networks
Matière 3.7:Technological management of industrial projects
Matière 3.8:Advanced Architecture and Technology
Matière 3.9:Perception and vision system
Matière 3.10:Automatic System Control Technique
Matière 3.11:Computerized control of industrial processes
Matière 3.12:Evolutionary optimization algorithms
Matière 3.13:Expert and supervised control
Matière 3.14:Fuzzy and neural controls
Matière 3.15:Intelligent Control Technique